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Delegates are required to declare any food items, seeds, plants or any other regulated agricultural products in their possession at the ports of entry.

Delegates are also expected to comply with any applicable Laws, Regulations as well as any applicable standards and procedures pertaining to such items. The following items are prohibited at all Kenya entry point:

  • Narcotic drugs, Stimulants, Psychotropic substances, etc.
  • Drones and Satellite Equipment.
  • Firearms such as pistols, revolvers and machine guns, and bullets or parts thereof.
  • Explosive, Gunpowder, Materials for chemical weapons, Germs such as anthrax, etc.
  • Counterfeit, Altered or Imitated Coins, bank notes or securities, and forged credit cards.
  • Obscene or immoral materials and child pornography.
  • Articles which infringe upon intellectual property rights (patent, utility, model, design, trademark, copyright etc.)

The following items are restricted and require import permission from Regulatory Authorities:

  • Hunting guns, air guns, swords, internationally protected endangered animals, plants, or their products, Crocodiles, cobras, turtles, ivory, musk and cactus.
  • Live animals and plants, meat products, vegetables, fruits and seeds.
  • All types of medicine, Professional cameras and Satellite Phones.

The following are Duty- Free Allowed Items:

  • One laptop Computer
  • Bottles of alcoholic beverages
  • Cigarettes: 2 packets (Smoking is prohibited in public areas except designated smoking zones)
  • 100ml of perfume

Temporary Importation

To comply with the import customs regulations of the Government of the Republic of Kenya, participants should declare the following items they may bring with them into the country: laptops (if it is more than one); desktop computer, printer, scanner, video camera, or any other conference equipment.

In order to be assisted with the temporary importation of the above items, the participants should send the detailed specifications of the items to be brought in together with their arrival and departure details to the Secretariat of the protocol and logistics arrangements of the Summit by 19th April 2024, at the latest. Such items will be registered for temporary import by the customs office and they will be taken out of the country at the end of the Conference.

Declaration of Goods and Cash

Participants are highly advised to declare items stated above and goods that exceed the duty free allowance. Similarly, cash that exceeds USD 10,000.00 or its equivalent or precious metals weighing above 100 grams should be declared to the customs office at the airport. Declaration of the said items upon arrival will avoid hustle during departure.